Welcome Tea/Building Orientation


Please join members of the Harnwell Senior Staff (cc’d) and RA/GA team today for a short welcome/orientation to Harnwell ?  We’ll (briefly) go over basic building information that will help you as you transition to Harnwell, such as how to access the laundry room, where to dispose of trash, building policies, and some of our upcoming events. You’ll have a chance to introduce yourself to other Harnwell residents and ask questions as well!


If you can’t make it today, that’s okay. We will be hosting this orientation DAILY all week at 4pm, feel free to join another day or multiple times.


Zoom Link for our daily 4pm Orientation, every day from 1/10-1/17(link is external)

Meeting ID: 912 7104 9707



Finally, here’s a link to a video that also contains helpful information about Harnwell resources: https://harnwell.house.upenn.edu/resourcesandpolicies


Saturday January 16th, 2021 4:00 PM to 4:30 PM