Harnwell Ancient Studies Living Community - Penn Museum Visit and Lunch


Saturday, October 17th - 10:30am-12:30pm 

Need a study break? Well look no further! Come join Harnwell's own Anthony Wagner, GA of the Ancient Studies Living Community, for a tour of the Penn Museum and what promises to be a delectable lunch of Ethiopian cuisine and discussion to follow.

This week, we'll be taking a critical look at the African and American sections of the Museum's collection.  

We will meet on the porch of Harnwell at 10:30am and walk to the museum. We'll visit the museum for about an hour and then walk back to Harnwell for a lunch of Ethiopian cuisine and discussion about the visit. 

**Spaces are limited, so please sign up by Wednesday, October 14th via this link: https://forms.gle/3zgKyEdfhVoamAUW9 


Saturday October 17th, 2020 10:30 AM to 12:30 PM