CHAS Student Research Fellow Info Center


Learn more about the CHAS Reasearch Program!


How the Research Fellows are chosen and funded

Each College House has the opportunity to select one undergraduate College House Research Fellow for a 12-month research fellowship. Prospective researchers are asked to submit a proposal outlining a research project in any discipline they choose. The faculty in each House then select a project to award their House’s fellowship. Research Fellows (RFs) are awarded a fellowship of $1,500 for the purpose of defraying research-related costs. Examples of how RFs commonly use these monies include equipment purchase, travel costs, books, or purchase of other supplies/materials needed for research. Some students have asked to use the money to attend a conference or for some similar activity that requires more than the initial installment. RFs are not required to use the money on research expenses, and there is no penalty for spending the funds in any other way.

What the Research Fellows are responsible for

Responsibilities vary each year according to the changing needs of the College Houses. Research Fellows work with the faculty and staff of the individual house to shape their involvement in the House. The 12-month fellowship does come with expectations and responsibilities, such as attending regular dinner workshops/meetings, consulting with advisors, specialists, faculty and CURF, and participating in presenting their research. Each Fall semester, Research Fellows will also help mentor future candidates preparing to apply for the following year’s positions.

Important dates to be aware of

Website goes live and applications open: Friday, October 20
Houses advertise and/or host information sessions: Starting Monday, October 23
CHAS Research Showcase–see current Research Fellows present in the Harrison RTL: October 26, 7PM
Student application with proposal due by 4 pm: Monday, November 13
Application reviews and/or interviews: Starting Tuesday, November 14
CHAS announces decisions to Applicants: Tuesday, December 12
Kickoff Dinner and Workshop for new RFs: January 2024


Friday November 3rd, 2023 2:00 PM to 3:00 PM