Casual Collegehouse Conversations


One more day of classes. Take a break and have a cup of tea and conversation on the Mezzanine at (PM tonight. 


Thinking of having the last day of classes on a Monday, and hearing from students this weekend abotu how much end-of-semester work there is, I kept thinking about the Les Misérables song of the same name. 


Another Day, another destiny. When we count down to things, we are imbuing a sense of value into a moment. We gain a personal sense that the future is somehow determinative once we arrive at the moment. All the preparation is done and we will succeed or we will have to try again. 


One day more to new beginning. Count downs, beyond another destiny, can mark the start of something big. Last week I wrote about the pending solstice and the advent of a new beginning. As we finish our class work one day, we know that there is a new world for the winning or to be won. Perhaps that is in finals, perhaps it is over winter break, perhaps it is the new year.


Tomorrow you’ll be worlds apart. The changes and the new beginning scan mean new experiences and new relationships. Change has a magical creative ability. Previously semester I wrote about traditions. Traditions only have value when it is paired with change. And change only has value when it is rooted in tradition, custom, and memory. They are actually a requisite dyad. Change without tradition is chaos. Tradition without change is sclerosis. This is the same for being worlds apart. One can only be worlds apart if a reference or relationship to another party is maintained. If a relationship does not exist, then the comparison cannot happen.


Do I follow..Shall I join…Do I stay or Do I dare…Will you take your place with me. I am going to pause here and talk abotu bids going out for organized social groups, including greek letter fraternities. I heard form a student this week about the struggle to decide to accept a bid or not. I think the goal was to get bids, it was not necessarily a struggle to become a member. Our social alignments into groups perhaps can be more determinative than we can imagine when we first start. I will leave that one there. 


Running amuck, falling, luck, and a free for all. With all the relational and preparedness, the background of the piece is the chaos of real life. The tavern managers and thieves assure that. 


Before stopping by the Mezzanine at 9PM tonight, take a listen

(It’s from the movie. I could not find a staged version that was not a concert.)


See you at 9 on the mezzanine for tea and conversation. For now, I am going to go grab dinner at dining.


Sunday December 11th, 2022 8:00 PM to 11:00 PM